WA State & The LGBTQIA2S+ Agenda: WA Reps Reject The Protection of Women & Girls in Sports Act
Democrats Reject H.R. 28 & Offer Up Girls to Serious Sports Injuries, Loss of Medals, & Heterosexual Boys in Their Locker Rooms
*I am a former progress flag waiver who has been writing about how “LGBTQIA2S+” activism has become deranged and out of control since 2016. I am going to focus on critiquing queer activism in my state, given the Puget Sound area is one of the most ideological possessed when it comes to the full embrace of the trans agenda and “LGBTQIA2S+” overreach generally. The activists here are “woke” leftists (I call them the Qwoke). Contemporary leftist identity politics has its roots in postmodernism, Marxism, & the DEI scam and does more harm than good to society and the groups it purports to represent. If you are in WA State, LGB, and are tired of the damage these activists are doing to our youth and our rights movement, please contact me.

One would think after the Democrats got massacred in the 2024 election, partially due to their enthusiastic embrace of the trans agenda that, they might reflect on why they are wrong in supporting it. They are doubling down hard. I am guessing they will all continue to do so after Trump’s sweeping EOs, prioritizing sex in law. The most recent example is that every Democrat in the US Congress except two voted against The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025. The act reinforces the intent of Title IX, designed to give equal opportunity to females in education, by clarifying girls’ athletics are for females only. This is necessary because boys, on average, have physiological advantages over girls, even prepuberty. And to reduce, but not eliminate, these advantages doctors must chemically castrate boy children who want to be girls at age 10-12, who still have very immature brains. This causes osteopenia, genital stunting, destroyed sexual function, testicular atrophy, sterility when HRT is commenced, likely negatively impacts IQ, and has no solid evidence of improved mental health. I believe this is child abuse, and many others share my view. The cultural ethos should favor a healthy puberty as a necessary rite of passage into adulthood. This bill is also necessary because some older teens who want to be on girls’ teams are autogynephilic males and they are sexually attracted to girls and there are now several examples of boundary-violating behavior.
A boy has been using the girls’ locker room to change at Westosha Central High School. He stares at the young girls while they change and that makes them feel very uncomfortable. Some of the girls began to use the stalls to change. When they would exit, the boy would be exposing his penis and rubbing himself with lotion. He claimed to the girls that the lotion was to “prevent chafing.”
In a previous post, I highlighted some data indicating that Americans' rejection of this agenda affected the election in favor of Trump. Information regarding the health damage from pediatric transition can be found here.
Before delving into the Democrats' statements, I'd like to start off by getting to the bottom line. The utilitarian logic favors maintaining some sex-segregated spaces for female people, about 50% of the population. This issue isn't "complicated" or "nuanced". In addition, none of this drama is necessary. It is wholly manufactured by the most mentally unwell of trans-identified adults with various motivations (autogynephilia, body-dissociated lesbians desperate to be men, BPD-related identity instabilities) who dominate the activist realm. They are enabled by a scaffolding of their progress-flag-waiving allies who also have various motivations (genuine compassion, savior complexes, social capital, and financial benefit). Trans activists will accept nothing less than forcing every person in society to cater to every demand to prop up their egos and manage their negative emotions, wielding out threats and social punishment to dissenters. This is why I am no longer one of those allies. But these activists and their enablers have done an incredible job capturing the gay rights movement, the women's movement, and major institutions (read how here, here, and here ). Not all gender dysphoric people agree with invading female spaces or medicalizing minors. Cultures have incorporated a space for the feminine, outlier male without the obsession with validation or strong-arming people to pretend sex isn't real.
Boys can accept feminine boys on their sports teams. It would be good for them. The mental health profession, the "queer community", and parents of dysphoric youth don't have to reinforce to a child that their entire self-worth and identity depends on a pronoun. Adults are choosing to reinforce to youth the narcissism of the view the world must cater to the "authentic self" over redirecting the youth's energy into developing their skills, resilience, and positive personality traits. People can create exercise programs in schools like dance (which kids like and reduces depression) that don't have to be sex-relevant if a sensitive, feminine boy is uncomfortable on boys' teams. Dysphoric kids can navigate their biological reality as they have in the past without dying before the compulsion to medicalize became an epidemic. What you are seeing is an activist movement fueled by neurosis, not freedom and liberation, that has been adopted widely by liberals and is depriving dysphoric youth of better role models, mental health support, and tools for coping in the real world.
A group of us (LGBs, parents, health professionals) wrote a resource for parents and educators about why the public should oppose gender activism in schools that covered the sports issue. We provided several examples of fa'afafine and kathoey willingly competing in the male categories.

Despite the common cultural appropriation by the Western trans movement, people in cultures that have third-gender concepts don't go around pretending sex isn't real.
Pakistan's traditional third gender isn't happy with the trans movement
While some Democrats may be going along with this sex denialism because they don’t want to get primaried, as the extremes of each party control the primaries, the Democrats are dominated by many gender-besotted, true believers. As is customary in trans activism, they took to the microphones to promote the most histrionic and catastrophizing interpretation of the ramifications of the act possible, with many of the Ds claiming bigotry crafted it, and it would lead to the sexual molestation of girls because adult men would be peeking into girls’ underwear for sex verification.
Some clips can be found here.
Yes bigoted folks love this bill. Assaulters love this bill. CEOs love this bill, because Los Angeles is on fire right now.
–Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY)
We do not need Taliban like enforcers in our schools.
–Val Hoyle (OR)
‘Protecting girls’ to empower adult men to ask your daughter to inspect what’s in her pants while you’re not around- no that is pedophilia. It is predatory behavior.
-Maxwell Frost (FL)
WA State’s own queer-identified woman, Emily Randall, weighed in.
…all girls [are] at risk of intrusive questions and physical genital examinations.
Their rhetoric is mostly hyperbole.
I certainly oppose invasive medical examinations and would not support unwanted DNA collection. The Ds arguments can partially be blamed on the sloppy wording and approach in state ban bills such as those in Ohio and Kansas.
One comment on Benjamin Ryan’s article about the declining support for trans activist demands by @proxymusic seems to provide a debunking that the sex verification issue is a problem.
This bill is an amendment to Title IX. Neither the orginal Title IX bill nor the voluminous Title IX implementation regulations that followed have ever had - or needed to have - language spelling out how to tell whether a student is male or female for the purpose of sports classification.
All schools in the USA require that students get physical exams by a licensed HCP in order to be cleared to participate in school sports. The insurers require this. All the paperwork that has to be filled out when students go to HCPs for sports physicals ask sex specific questions such as about hernias and missing or undescened testicles in boys, and menarche, menstrual periods, length of periods, length of cycles for girls. All the health documents submitted to the schools in order to get cleared for sports have checkboxes or fill-ins where the student's sex has to be stated.
On top of this, all schools in the USA require that parents/guardians submit a certified copy of a birth or baptismal certificat showing sex and DOB when they first register their kids for school. The BC becomes part of the student's "permanent record" that follows them through all their schooling to and through college/grad school. If there's ever a need to change the BC (as might happen with some DSDs like XY 5-ARD not discovered until puberty), there's supposed to be a strict procedure. But that might be out the window today with so many people deciding their kids are "trans"and altering their kids' BCs.
Finally, in order for kids to attend school in the USA, all states except one that I know of (Vermont) require that the kids get a full medical physical prior to attending K or first grade, and additional medical checkups least a couple of times when they reach the older grades. Some states require a doctor's vist for a physical exam before the start of 7th grade and again before the start of 10th grade. Other states require that kids get physicals every year. When my kids were in school in the 1990-2000s, they had to get school physicals ever year. That was the case when I was growing up many decades ago too.
The Ds points are valid that gender nonconforming girls could be subjected to scrutiny and unjustified questioning about their sex, as any butch lesbian who has been side-eyed in a woman’s bathroom can tell you. We know what else has done that to gender-nonconforming girls and women. It’s the trans/nonbinary movement, where in some realms, lesbians and other gender-atypical girls/women are subjected to questions about their pronouns and awkward pauses from people terrified about “misgendering” they do not appreciate.
The Qwoke like to create more problems than they solve. See how by transitioning kids, raising them in a house of cards of pseudoscientific belief systems, and dosing them with chemical castration drugs, they have caused the untenable situations of kids living lies via stealthing, medical damage, and impacting girl children negatively?
Washington State congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has what she calls a “trans daughter,” a young man who started to identify as such in adulthood. Her public, tearful pleas for politicians to believe in trans identities over biology can be found here. I will break down some of the propaganda from her testimony about the bill in it’s 2023 form (H.R. 734).
My amendment renames this bill to be the “Stigmatizing Vulnerable Children Act” and it does that because we need to be exactly clear about what this bill does and what the consequences of this bill would be.
The bill has nothing to do with stigma and is focused on protecting the definitions of sex categories as they relate to Title IX. If the Republicans were playing her game, they would have named the bill “Stopping Democrats from Offering Up Girls to Serious Sports Injuries, Loss of Medals, & Heterosexual Boys in Their Locker Rooms.”
But first I want to be clear about the facts about trans kids in sports. In 2004 the Olympics enacted its first policy letting transgender athletes compete in teams that align with their gender identity.
This was a political decision to prioritize the wants of men who want to be women and is not based on solid analyses of anatomy, kinesiology, and physics and is adamantly opposed by many women who now must spend time and money fighting these policies. The science is clear- males have advantages and retain them post transition.
In 2008 my home state of Washington became the first state to allow trans kids to compete in sports teams, according to their gender identity. And I’m proud to share that after 15 years Washington state has not had problems with this policy in fact Washington success has encouraged at least 16 other states to inact similar policies affirming trans kids participation in school sports. So, it is simply not true, as my colleagues on the other side of asserted, that trans kids are somehow a product of so-called gender mills and they exist the trans.
This has created multiple problems in Washington State and elsewhere.
Wash. girls track coach says team blindsided by facing trans runner: 'Obviously a male'
Coaches speak out after male athlete dominates girls' track meet: 'Injustice'

In a surprisingly rare moment of sanity for the PNW, the Washington State Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) is considering new rules that would remove boys from girls' sports teams and create a third, gender-neutral category. This was facilitated by school districts that have adopted resolutions objecting to boys in girls' sports. Amendment 7 defines two sports categories as female (restricted to biological females) and male/open (open to anyone). Amendment 8 defines three categories- female, male, and open.
…more than 75% of transgender students report experiencing harassment or discrimination in schools. Neglecting these harms follows them into adulthood or 77% of transgender individuals grew up to have mental health issues.
This problem isn’t solved by forcing girl children to pretend boys are girls. It is solved by strict anti-bullying policies in schools, which already exist. If there is an enforcement problem, then we need to hold those adults accountable. And we have no proof identity affirmation is improving resilience and mental health in trans-identified youth in the long run .
A survey found that more than half of transgender and non-binary youth have seriously considered suicide, suicide. And one five attempted suicide.
People who follow this issue know that suicide is the go-to as a cudgel to enforce trans activist demands. It’s trotted out in every debate, and I sound contemptuous because I am and not because I don’t care about these young people. It’s the opposite. Overall, this is making gender dysphoric kids’ mental health worse as these activists violate all suicide prevention guidelines and fuel negative rumination and catastrophizing. While many allies are captured by this rhetoric (I was as a former trans-activist ally), it is important to know that trans activists lie about suicide research and misrepresent studies for propaganda (see Myth #8). The goal here is to win, not to strengthen the mental health and character of kids who struggle with their gender.
Kids would effectively be banned from joining a team and forced to give up their favorite sport under this bill.
They can compete on the boys’ teams as the other trans-identified individuals have provided in the examples above or we can create mixed sex activities. If not, girls are banned from having a female-only team.
I’ve also heard a lot from my colleagues on the other side about the need to defend women, but there is a real hypocrisy here that should be named. The first mark of this committee majority is during women’s history month, but it does nothing for women experiencing actual harm.
She goes on to list policies she believes are pro-woman she thinks are more important Republicans don’t support- red herrings everywhere.
Women are not tools to obscure the hate for gender inclusivity. So let’s be clear about what this bill actually does. Let’s stop the attack on trans kids and do what people have elected us to do in this committee which is fully funded public schools...
Girls and women are not tools of validation for boys and men with identity issues. The “LGBTQIA2S+” agenda is an attack on the relevance of the sex binary to female and male people, illogically claiming the extreme importance of gender self-perception but the irrelevance of sex to the material reality of girls.
There were other highlights of the debates over this issue.
In her support of Jayapal, one congresswoman invoked Dr Jack Turban, one of the many well-known quacks of so-called “gender-affirming care.”
At the end of my day of listening to this testimony, the most horrifying statement representing this David Lynchian moment we are living through came from Suzanne Bonamici (OR), who talked about “trans kid” activist mom Debbie Jackson, and her son Avery Jackson, a poster child for socially and medically transitioning kids who appeared on the cover of National Geographic and elsewhere.
Avery was touted as a “true trans kid” and a real girl who “knows who they are.” But now, Avery identifies as nonbinary. Avery didn’t know who he was. But Avery WAS chemically castrated as a tween, almost certainly sexually lobotomized and sterilized because of an identity we were told was solid but wasn’t. In a sad part of an HBO documentary on transitioned youth, Avery said he was exhausted over being a trans kid activist. And there is now a raging culture war between those of us who see this is clearly child abuse and those who want to continue it, celebrate it, and silence and destroy the careers of anyone who has some questions.
It’s very unfortunate kids struggling with gender are represented by misdirected compassion, quacks, narscisstic and manipulative activists, and the extremely emotionally disregulated. It is they who are a driving divisions, unnecessary conflict, creating more problems then they are solving, and chaining young people to outside validation and quick fix medical solutions that cause health damage and do far less benefit than advertised.
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Below are some of the articles indicating allowing boys and men on female sports teams clearly negatively impacts them and how transition does not eradicate biological advantages over women.
Minipuberty: Why Does it Happen?
Female Athletes Lost Almost 900 Medals to Trans-Identifying Men Worldwide, U.N. Report Finds
Girls Punished for Not Competing with Trans-Identifying Male | Trans Woman Stands Up For Real Women
Injured volleyball player speaks out after alleged transgender opponent spiked ball at her
LGB Forward⏩
I put a link to this article in my weekly newsletter which goes out every Monday.